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en brilliant green eyes behind the lenses of his chunky glasses。 ?Thank goodness there are
people like us to keep things like this alive。?
?You?re right。? Dan nodded solemnly。
?Dan;? Greg whispered huskily; ?I?m really glad we met。?
?Me too;? Dan agreed; checking his watch again?he didn?t want to be away from work for too
long; but before he could even figure out what the numbers on the face of his Casio
calculator…watch were telling him; he felt Greg?s long arms wrap around him。
?This is such a good omen for our first meeting tomorrow。? Greg?s hot breath tickled Dan?s neck
as he hugged him。 ?We?ll have so much to talk about。?
?Y…y…y…yeah;? Dan stammered。 Wow; Greg was sort of a geek; but he really did genuinely
appreciate how cool the book was。 ?Here; why don?t you hold on to this for me?? he offered;
handing Greg the book。
Greg hugged him again; even harder this time。 ?Wow;? he gasped。 ?I?m overwhelmed。?
Dan grinned at him and headed upstairs。 Why did he always attract the geeks?
Um; maybe because he was kind of a geek himself?