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eze off the Sound and standing
reservations at all of the Hamptons? best restaurants。 Hot and humid Manhattan is close by; but
we?d rather stroll around barefoot in our Eres or Missoni tapestry…print bikinis and Calypso
batiked sarongs; or steer our platinum…colored Mercedes CLK 500 convertibles up and down Main
Street in East Hampton in search of the ever…elusive parking spot and the boys in Billabong board
We?re the boys with sun…kissed hair; driving back from Montauk with our surfboards strapped to
our Cherokees? roof racks。 We?re the girls giggling from our lime and raspberry…colored beach
towels; or partaking in some after…sun pampering at the Aveda Salon in Bridgehampton。 We?re the
princes and princesses of the Upper East Side; and now we rule the beach。 If you?re one of us; aka
the chosen ones; I?ll be seeing you around the Island。 It seems the season is already in full swing;
especially now that some of our favorite faces have decided to grace us with their presences。
Namely 。 。 。
the dynamic duo
Just so you know; I can?t keep up either。 The weather report on these two seems to change daily。
Are they friends? Are they enemies? Frenemies? Lovers? You know who I?m talking about:B
andS and the one thing I know for certain is that they?re now certified; official fashion icons。 Yes;
we?ve known all along; but it seems the fashion…elite are finally catching up。 After meetingB andS
on the film set of Breakfast at Fred?s last month; a certain monogrammed…velvet…slipper…wearing
tastemaker?he of the capped teeth and year…round Palm Beach tan? has decided to keep the two
girls at his Georgica Pond manse for inspiration。 I hope