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?t work out。 Then I met her incredible roommate; and it totally

worked out 。 。 。 or seemed to。 We had this romantic summer…in…the…city thing happening and she

even said maybe I?d e visit her in the Hamptons。 Then the other morning I knocked on her

door and she was gone。 No furniture; no clothes; no note; no nothing。 What gives? Do I call her; or

is that just too stalkerish?

? Bummed and Brokenhearted


Dear B&B;

The best of us can be hard to keep hold of。 If it?s meant to be; she?ll e back and shower you

with soft petal kisses。 And if not; treasure your memories and chalk it up to the fleeting nature of

summer romances。 BTW; if you?re on the market; maybe I can help heal your broken heart? Send

me your picture!

? GG


Dear GG;

All…time weirdest sighting ever: alien imposter version of a couple of girls I sort of know from the

city; a hot blonde and a skinny brunette; giggling on the beach near the Maidstone Arms together。

They were like Louis Vuitton knockoffs from a street vendor?from far away; they almost seemed

like the real deal; but up close 。 。 。 Well; some things you just can?t fake。 Who the ___ are they?

? Seeing Double (or Quadruple)


Dear SDoQ;

Now that a certain blond and brunette pair have bee muses to a very famous and flamboyant

fashion designer; we?re going to be seeing more and more look…alikes。 It?s going to drive the boys

insane。 The question is; who will snag the real things?

? GG


Bshopping for new luggage?a quest that took her to Barneys; then Tod?s; then Bally。 Doesn?t

that girl

