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walk to purge his mind of the mental images of those two thick…necked wrestler types in
unimaginable poses。 Not that he had any kind of problem with gay people; of course。They?re here;
they?re queer; it?s awesome。 But there were some things that people just weren?t meant to do with
their bodies。 Like running。 And yoga。 And 。 。 。 whatever it was you called the thing he had just
seen depicted in that book。
Yoga。 He?d had a brush with that stuff?that was the closest he?d e to contorting his body into
a shape resembling what the guys in the book were doing; and he was not eager to get into that
particular position again anytime soon。 The only reason he?d bothered with yoga in the first place
had been for a girl。 He?d been so crazed over Bree he?d experimented with all kinds of insane
things: yoga; running; organic fruit juice。 Maybe the same thing was happening with Greg? He?d
never really met anyone who loved books as much as he did。 Maybe he was just getting
everything all mixed up? Maybe it was just like his dad had said and he was just transferring his
passion for books onto their friendship?
Yup?like quasi…gay father; like quasi…gay son。
Dodging the summer tourist sidewalk traffic; Dan stubbed out his cigarette and stuffed his hands