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heart a million times; but something about the way he?d watched her run off; taking in her familiar
naked form like it was a painting or something; had left her wanting to see him again and again。
Spinning around on the heels of her white alligator Bailey Winter gladiator sandals; Blair slid the
rolling bath…room door open dramatically and stepped into the bedroom; where Serena was
pretending to smoke the fourth cigarette she?d lit since Blair first disappeared into the bathroom。
Boredom can turn any nice girl into a pyromaniac。
?Nice choice。? Serena nodded approvingly; studying Blair?s outfit。 ?But we?ve got to make our
grand entrance soon; and there?s no way I?m doing it without you。?
?You…know…who already outside?? Blair asked。
Serena hopped off the bed and walked over to peer out the window at the action poolside。 Blair
joined her; taking in the dozens of silhouettes and the bright blue pool lit up behind them。 She
spied Ibiza and Svetlana in the distance。 ?DJ booth。? Serena pointed。 ?Nice shorts;? she added;
pretending to admire Ibiza?s trashy; butt…cheek…revealing hot pants。
Blair snorted; stepping back inside the bathroom to dab a bit of her Aesop nail cream onto her
cuticles?they seemed a little dry lately。
Must be all that manual labor。
?Shit; Blair; e on; what are you doing back in the bathroom??
?I?m ing; I?m ing。? Blair wiped the excess cream off her nails with one quick swipe。
She dropped the tissue in the trash and froze。 What。 The。 Fuck。 What was that in the trash!? She
bent over and picked up the mother…of…pearl…encrusted basket and placed it on the rose…marble
counter…top。 ?Get in here。?
?You lookfine