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for Blair and Serena were not quite as pretty or healthy…looking as the originals。 The fact that their

once…white outfits were both marred by sloppy; barfy…looking stains further cemented it。 She

squinted at them; realizing they were the faux versions she?d seen on the beach only hours before。

Just what she needed?a reminder of her horrible after…noon with the terror twins。 The rest of their

time at the beach had been uneventful enough; but the moment they returned to the house; Ms。

Morgan had dug into her about what SPF she?d used on the boys; what books they?d read; and

how she?d really prefer Vanessa not ruin their dinner with Cheez…Its。 Vanessa had nodded patiently;

then raced to her upstairs room and quickly changed into something relatively presentable。 Then

she?d dashed out of the house and into the night; refusing to let the minor fact that she didn?t have

either a driver?s license or a car get in her way。 She?d grabbed one of the twins? tiny bicycles

from the hook from which it was suspended and pedaled toward civilization; figuring that it would

only be a matter of time before she came across someone who could direct her to where Blair and

Serena might be。 Luckily; she?d bumped into Siobhan after about one block。

?Do you know where they went?? Vanessa turned to see Chuck Bass disappearing into the crowd;

his hand raised high above his head to avoid spilling his drink。

Great。 No Blair; no Serena; and now; no Chuck。 Vanessa had a vision of herself alone; shivering

on the beach; trying to avoid the perverts and murderous models。

Just another night in East Hampton。

Well; there?s only one cure for a lonely night; Vanessa reasoned as she 











