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concrete mansion; a

glittering blue pool; hundreds of perfectly dressed and groomed men; chilled martinis?it was like a

Fellini film; if Fellini had ever made a movie about summer in the Hamptons。 She felt a surge of

creativity that almost took her breath away。 Of course! A movie; in the Hamptons! An

impressionistic documentary; inter…splicing party footage with first…person interviews;

documenting the creative process of one of the fashion industry?s leading forces。 It was a little bit

Robert Altman; a little bitGrey Gardens。 Not to mention that it beat the shit out of booger patrol at

the James…Morgans?。 ?Stay here;? she repeated; nodding slowly。 ?Why; yes。 I?dlove to。?

She would?


ABC Amber LIT Converter v2。02


Disclaimer: All the real names of places; people; and events have been altered or abbreviated to

protect the innocent。 Namely; me。

hey people!

Okay; so I know I already interrupted your regularly scheduled programming for an important

message; but this is anemergency。 I?m putting out an APB?that?s all…points…bulletin in case you

didn?t know?on some of our very favorite people。 。 。 。

Missing: A vintage hunter green Aston Martin convertible。 Last seen speeding out of Georgica

Pond a little after sundown。 Reports vary; but my best sources say the car contained at least three

people?a guy and two girls?and I?m getting reports that at least one of the girls was wearing white。

Could someone be eloping? Please keep your eyes peeled。 And now; back to your regularly

scheduled dish。

book report

Our first juicy report affirms what I both h

