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fabulous?anybody remember that rocker whose Greenwich Village apartment was done entirely in
white? Even his guests had to match the d?cor。 And while it may look it fantastic for five minutes;
it?s so impractical?hello; drunk people; colorful drinks; and white sofas? Can anyone else put two
and two together? Personally; I?m up for anything colorful; particularly in summer。 To prove my
point; a few of my favorite (colorful) things: sunset…pink Cosmos; blue…green ocean water; mint
chocolate…chip ice cream; and last but not least 。 。 。 tan boys in pastel shirts。 Talk about a color
your e…mail
Dear the Gossip Girl;
I am beautiful brunette from foreign land so maybe there is somethings I don?t understand about
America。 I ask your help to explain to me this please: is bald now beautiful? Do American men
like girls to look like this? With shaved head? Please advise。
Dear C;
I think you?ve misunderstood。 Bald is beautiful when we?re talking about a Brazilian; but most
fellows I know like something to run their fingers through。 It?s the rare woman indeed who can
pull off the full…on buzz。 。 。 。 I?ve seen it work only once before。 Good luck!
Dear GG;
I?ve been in Europe for the summer and am worried about my big brother back in New York。 He
hasn?t replied to any of my postcards; and when I called home a few minutes ago; my dad said he
was ?on the lam with a bottle of absinthe。? Eeek! Do you think he?s okay?
?Worried Little Sis
Dear WLS;
Not to worry! Your bro is probably just out