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r children happy; too; with a little
tingling of delight。 But to her; the children were not a school
class this afternoon。 They were flowers; birds; little bright
animals; children; anything。 They only were not Standard Five。
She felt no responsibility for them。 It was for once a game;
this teaching。 And if they got their sums wrong; what matter?
And she would take a pleasant bit of reading。 And instead of
history with dates; she would tell a lovely tale。 And for
grammar; they could have a bit of written analysis that was not
difficult; because they had done it before:
〃She shall be sportive as a fawn
That wild with glee across the lawn
Or up the mountain springs。〃
She wrote that from memory; because it pleased her。
So the golden afternoon passed away and she went home happy。
She had finished her day of school; and was free to plunge into
the glowing evening of Cossethay。 And she loved walking home。
But it had not been school。 It had been playing at school
beneath red hawthorn blossom。
She could not go on like this。 The quarterly examination was
ing; and her class was not ready。 It irritated her that she
must drag herself away from her happy self; and exert herself
with all her strength to force; to pel this heavy class of
children to work hard at arithmetic。 They did not want to work;
she did not want to pel them。 And yet; some second conscience
gnawed at her; telling her the work was not properly done。 It
irritated her almost to madness; and she let loose all the
irritation in the class。 Then followed a day of battle and hate
and violence; when she went home raw; feeling the