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。 And yet; if

she failed; she must in some way go under。 She must admit that

the man's world was too strong for her; she could not take her

place in it; she must go down before Mr。 Harby。 And all her life

henceforth; she must go on; never having freed herself of the

man's world; never having achieved the freedom of the great

world of responsible work。 Maggie had taken her place there; she

had even stood level with Mr。 Harby and got free of him: and her

soul was always wandering in far…off valleys and glades of

poetry。 Maggie was free。 Yet there was something like subjection

in Maggie's very freedom。 Mr。 Harby; the man; disliked the

reserved woman; Maggie。 Mr。 Harby; the schoolmaster; respected

his teacher; Miss Schofield。

For the present; however; Ursula only envied and admired

Maggie。 She herself had still to get where Maggie had got。 She

had still to make her footing。 She had taken up a position on

Mr。 Harby's ground; and she must keep it。 For he was now

beginning a regular attack on her; to drive her away out of his

school。 She could not keep order。 Her class was a turbulent

crowd; and the weak spot in the school's work。 Therefore she

must go; and someone more useful must e in her place; someone

who could keep discipline。

The headmaster had worked himself into an obsession of fury

against her。 He only wanted her gone。 She had e; she had got

worse as the weeks went on; she was absolutely no good。 His

system; which was his very life in school; the oute of his

bodily movement; was attacked and threatened at the point where

Ursula was included。 She was the danger that threatened his bo













