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; leaving the kernel of his purpose clean。 And then it came

upon him that he would marry her and she would be his life。

Gradually; even without seeing her; he came to know her。 He

would have liked to think of her as of something given into his

protection; like a child without parents。 But it was forbidden

him。 He had to e down from this pleasant view of the case。

She might refuse him。 And besides; he was afraid of her。

But during the long February nights with the ewes in labour;

looking out from the shelter into the flashing stars; he knew he

did not belong to himself。 He must admit that he was only

fragmentary; something inplete and subject。 There were the

stars in the dark heaven travelling; the whole host passing by

on some eternal voyage。 So he sat small and submissive to the

greater ordering。

Unless she would e to him; he must remain as a

nothingness。 It was a hard experience。 But; after her repeated

obliviousness to him; after he had seen so often that he did not

exist for her; after he had raged and tried to escape; and said

he was good enough by himself; he was a man; and could stand

alone; he must; in the starry multiplicity of the night humble

himself; and admit and know that without her he was nothing。

He was nothing。 But with her; he would be real。 If she were

now walking across the frosty grass near the sheep…shelter;

through the fretful bleating of the ewes and lambs; she would

bring him pleteness and perfection。 And if it should be so;

that she should e to him! It should be so……it was

ordained so。

He was a long time resolving definitely to ask her to marry

him。 A













