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ried。 It
was familiar。 He remembered what it was to be a young man;
He remained suspended。 The child slept; pushing her small
fists from the shawl。 He could tell the woman her child was
asleep。 But he must go to the other landing。 He started。 There
was the sound of the owls……the moaning of the woman。 What
an uncanny sound! It was not human……at least to a man。
He went down to her room; entering softly。 She was lying
still; with eyes shut; pale; tired。 His heart leapt; fearing she
was dead。 Yet he knew perfectly well she was not。 He saw the way
her hair went loose over her temples; her mouth was shut with
suffering in a sort of grin。 She was beautiful to him……but
it was not human。 He had a dread of her as she lay there。 What
had she to do with him? She was other than himself。
Something made him go and touch her fingers that were still
grasped on the sheet。 Her brown…grey eyes opened and looked at
him。 She did not know him as himself。 But she knew him as the
man。 She looked at him as a woman in childbirth looks at the man
who begot the child in her: an impersonal look; in the extreme
hour; female to male。 Her eyes closed again。 A great; scalding
peace went over him; burning his heart and his entrails; passing
off into the infinite。
When her pains began afresh; tearing her; he turned aside;
and could not look。 But his heart in torture was at peace; his
bowels were glad。 He went downstairs; and to the door; outside;
lifted his face to the rain; and felt the darkness striking
unseen and steadily upon him。
The swift; unseen threshing of the night upon him silenced