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in the
least to define what He was。
And inside her; the subtle sense of the Great Absolute
wherein she had her being was very strong。 The English dogma
never reached her: the language was too foreign。 Through it all
she felt the great Separator who held life in His hands;
gleaming; imminent; terrible; the Great Mystery; immediate
beyond all telling。
She shone and gleamed to the Mystery; Whom she knew through
all her senses; she glanced with strange; mystic superstitions
that never found expression in the English language; never
mounted to thought in English。 But so she lived; within a
potent; sensuous belief that included her family and contained
her destiny。
To this she had reduced her husband。 He existed with her
entirely indifferent to the general values of the world。 Her
very ways; the very mark of her eyebrows were symbols and
indication to him。 There; on the farm with her; he lived through
a mystery of life and death and creation; strange; profound
ecstasies and inmunicable satisfactions; of which the rest of
the world knew nothing; which made the pair of them apart and
respected in the English village; for they were also
But Anna was only half safe within her mother's unthinking
knowledge。 She had a mother…of…pearl rosary that had been her
own father's。 What it meant to her she could never say。 But the
string of moonlight and silver; when she had it between her
fingers; filled her with strange passion。 She learned at school
a little Latin; she learned an Ave Maria and a Pater Noster; she
learned how to say her rosary。 But that was no good。 〃Ave Maria;