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y in the room was a man after his own

heart; that everything was glorious; everything was perfect。

When somebody in alarm told him his coat pocket was on fire; he

could only beam from a red; blissful face and say

〃Iss…all…ri…ight……iss…al'…ri…ight……it's a'

right……let it be; let it be〃 and he laughed

with pleasure; and was rather indignant that the others should

think it unnatural for his coat pocket to burn:……it was the

happiest and most natural thing in the world……what?

He went home talking to himself and to the moon; that was

very high and small; stumbling at the flashes of moonlight from

the puddles at his feet; wondering What the Hanover! then

laughing confidently to the moon; assuring her this was first

class; this was。

In the morning he woke up and thought about it; and for the

first time in his life; knew what it was to feel really acutely

irritable; in a misery of real bad temper。 After bawling and

snarling at Tilly; he took himself off for very shame; to be

alone。 And looking at the ashen fields and the putty roads; he

wondered what in the name of Hell he could do to get out of this

prickly sense of disgust and physical repulsion。 And he knew

that this was the result of his glorious evening。

And his stomach did not want any more brandy。 He went

doggedly across the fields with his terrier; and looked at

everything with a jaundiced eye。

The next evening found him back again in his place at the

〃Red Lion〃; moderate and decent。 There he sat and stubbornly

waited for what would happen next。

Did he; or did he not believe that he belonged to this world

of Cossethay and 













