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ws? It means the

Absolute World; and can never be more than half interpreted in

terms of the relative world。

But must one apply the speech literally? Was her father a

rich man? Couldn't he get to heaven? Or was he only a half…rich

man? Or was he merely a poor man? At any rate; unless he gave

everything away to the poor; he would find it much harder to get

to heaven。 The needle's eye would be too tight for him。 She

almost wished he were penniless poor。 If one were ing to the

base of it; any man was rich who was not as poor as the


She had her qualms; when in imagination she saw her father

giving away their piano and the two cows; and the capital at the

bank; to the labourers of the district; so that they; the

Brangwens; should be as poor as the Wherrys。 And she did not

want it。 She was impatient。

〃Very well;〃 she thought; 〃we'll forego that heaven; that's

all……at any rate the needle's eye sort。〃 And she dismissed

the problem。 She was not going to be as poor as the Wherrys; not

for all the sayings on earth……the miserable squalid


So she reverted to the non…literal application of the

scriptures。 Her father very rarely read; but he had collected

many books of reproductions; and he would sit and look at these;

curiously intent; like a child; yet with a passion that was not

childish。 He loved the early Italian painters; but particularly

Giotto and Fra Angelico and Filippo Lippi。 The great

positions cast a spell over him。 How many times had he turned

to Raphael's 〃Dispute of the Sacrament〃 or Fra Angelico's 〃Last

Judgment〃 or the beautiful; plicated renderings o









