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earth; surrounded by the same
flat material of dwellings; new red…brick being grimy; small
oblong windows; and oblong doors; repeated endlessly; with just;
at one corner; a great and gaudy public house; and somewhere
lost on one of the sides of the square; a large window opaque
and darkish green; which was the post office。
The place had the strange desolation of a ruin。 Colliers
hanging about in gangs and groups; or passing along the asphalt
pavements heavily to work; seemed not like living people; but
like spectres。 The rigidity of the blank streets; the
homogeneous amorphous sterility of the whole suggested death
rather than life。 There was no meeting place; no centre; no
artery; no organic formation。 There it lay; like the new
foundations of a red…brick confusion rapidly spreading; like a
Just outside of this; on a little hill; was Tom Brangwen's
big; red…brick house。 It looked from the front upon the edge of
the place; a meaningless squalor of ash…pits and closets and
irregular rows of the backs of houses; each with its small
activity made sordid by barren cohesion with the rest of the
small activities。 Farther off was the great colliery that went
night and day。 And all around was the country; green with two
winding streams; ragged with gorse; and heath; the darker woods
in the distance。
The whole place was just unreal; just unreal。 Even now; when
he had been there for two years; Tom Brangwen did not believe in
the actuality of the place。 It was like some gruesome dream;
some ugly; dead; amorphous mood bee concrete。
Ursula and Winifred were met by the motor…c