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e hated it。 All was grey; dry ash;
cold and dead and ugly。 But she stayed。 She stayed also to get
rid of Winifred。 The girl's hatred and her sense of
repulsiveness in her mistress and in her uncle seemed to throw
the other two together。 They drew together as if against
In hardness and bitterness of soul; Ursula knew that Winifred
was bee her uncle's lover。 She was glad。 She had loved them
both。 Now she wanted to be rid of them both。 Their marshy;
bitter…sweet corruption came sick and unwholesome in her
nostrils。 Anything; to get out of the foetid air。 She would
leave them both for ever; leave for ever their strange; soft;
half…corrupt element。 Anything to get away。
One night Winifred came all burning into Ursula's bed; and
put her arms round the girl; holding her to herself in spite of
unwillingness; and said;
〃Dear; my dear……shall I marry Mr。 Brangwen……shall
The clinging; heavy; muddy question weighed on Ursula
〃Has he asked you?〃 she said; using all her might of hard
〃He's asked me;〃 said Winifred。 〃Do you want me to marry him;
〃Yes;〃 said Ursula。
The arms tightened more on her。
〃I knew you did; my sweet……and I will marry him。 You're
fond of him; aren't you?〃
〃I've been awfully fond of him……ever since I was
a child。〃
〃I know……I know。 I can see what you like in him。 He is a
man by himself; he has something apart from the rest。〃
〃Yes;〃 said Ursula。
〃But he's not like you; my dear……ha; he's not as good as
you。 There's something even objectionable in him……his thick