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 satisfy one woman; he hung

round others。

'〃Don't I satisfy you?〃 he asked of her; again going white to the throat。

〃No;〃 she said。 〃You've never satisfied me since the first week in London。

You never satisfy me now。 What does it mean to me; your having me……〃'

She lifted her shoulders and turned aside her face in a motion of cold;

indifferent worthlessness。 He felt he would kill her。

When she had roused him to a pitch of madness; when she saw

his eyes all dark and mad with suffering; then a great suffering

overcame her soul; a great; inconquerable suffering。 And she

loved him。 For; oh; she wanted to love him。 Stronger than life

or death was her craving to be able to love him。

And at such moments; when he was made with her destroying

him; when all his placency was destroyed; all his everyday

self was broken; and only the stripped; rudimentary; primal man

remained; demented with torture; her passion to love him became

love; she took him again; they came together in an overwhelming

passion; in which he knew he satisfied her。

But it all contained a developing germ of death。 After each

contact; her anguished desire for him or for that which she

never had from him was stronger; her love was more hopeless。

After each contact his mad dependence on her was deepened; his

hope of standing strong and taking her in his own strength was

weakened。 He felt himself a mere attribute of her。

Whitsuntide came; just before her examination。 She was to

have a few days of rest。 Dorothy had inherited her patrimony









