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ee it……it was always present; and was to him as his own
eyes。 He was never aware of the separate being of her。 She was like his
own eyes and his own heart beating to him。
So he went across to her; to get his sleeping suit。 It was always a
perfect adventure to go near to her。 She put her arms round him; and
snuffed his warm; softened skin。
〃Scent;〃 she said。
〃Soap;〃 he answered。
〃Soap;〃 she repeated; looking up with bright eyes。 They were both
laughing; always laughing。'
Soon they were fast asleep; asleep till midday; close
together; sleeping one sleep。 Then they awoke to the
ever…changing reality of their state。 They alone inhabited the
world of reality。 All the rest lived on a lower sphere。
Whatever they wanted to do; they did。 They saw a few
people……Dorothy; whose guest she was supposed to be; and a
couple of friends of Skrebensky; young Oxford men; who called
her Mrs。 Skrebensky with entire simplicity。 They treated her;
indeed; with such respect; that she began to think she was
really quite of the whole universe; of the old world as well as
of the new。 She forgot she was outside the pale of the old
world。 She thought she had brought it under the spell of her
own; real world。 And so she had。
In such ever…changing reality the weeks went by。 All the
time; they were an unknown world to each other。 Every movement
made by the one was a reality and an adventure to the other。
They did not want outside excitements。 They went to very few
theatres; they were often in their sitting…room high up over
Piccadilly; with windows open on two sides; and the door open on
to the balcony;