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sessed; but the Anton
she did not possess; that which was owned by some other
influence; by the world。
She fought and fought and fought all through her illness to
be free of him and his world; to put it aside; to put it aside;
into its place。 Yet ever anew it gained ascendency over her; it
laid new hold on her。 Oh; the unutterable weariness of her
flesh; which she could not cast off; nor yet extricate。 If she
could but extricate herself; if she could but disengage herself
from feeling; from her body; from all the vast encumbrances of
the world that was in contact with her; from her father; and her
mother; and her lover; and all her acquaintance。
Repeatedly; in an ache of utter weariness she repeated: 〃I
have no father nor mother nor lover; I have no allocated place
in the world of things; I do not belong to Beldover nor to
Nottingham nor to England nor to this world; they none of them
exist; I am trammelled and entangled in them; but they are all
unreal。 I must break out of it; like a nut from its shell which
is an unreality。〃
And again; to her feverish brain; came the vivid reality of
acorns in February lying on the floor of a wood with their
shells burst and discarded and the kernel issued naked to put
itself forth。 She was the naked; clear kernel thrusting forth
the clear; powerful shoot; and the world was a bygone winter;
discarded; her mother and father and Anton; and college and all
her friends; all cast off like a year that has gone by; whilst
the kernel was free and naked and striving to take new root; to
create a new knowledge of Eternity in the flux of Time。 And the