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ent rather reluctantly。 Her marriage was more or less
fixed for the twenty…eighth of the month。 They were to sail for
India on September the fifth。 One thing she knew; in her
subconsciousness; and that was; she would never sail for
She and Anton; being important guests on account of the
ing marriage; had rooms in the large bungalow。 It was a big
place; with a great central hall; two smaller writing…rooms; and
then two corridors from which opened eight or nine bedrooms。
Skrebensky was put on one corridor; Ursula on the other。 They
felt very lost; in the crowd。
Being lovers; however; they were allowed to be out alone
together as much as they liked。 Yet she felt very strange; in
this crowd of strange people; uneasy; as if she had no privacy。
She was not used to these homogeneous crowds。 She was
She felt different from the rest of them; with their hard;
easy; shallow intimacy; that seemed to cost them so little。 She
felt she was not pronounced enough。 It was a kind of
hold…your…own unconventional atmosphere。
She did not like it。 In crowds; in assemblies of people; she
liked formality。 She felt she did not produce the right effect。
She was not effective: she was not beautiful: she was nothing。
Even before Skrebensky she felt unimportant; almost inferior。 He
could take his part very well with the rest。
He and she went out into the night。 There was a moon behind
clouds; shedding a diffused light; gleaming now and again in
bits of smoky mother…of…pearl。 So they walked together on the
wet; ribbed sands near the sea; hearing the run of the long;
heavy waves; that ma