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ixes and sevens。 But a fire was made in

the kitchen; the hearth…rug put down; the kettle set on the hob;

and Mrs。 Brangwen began towards sunset to prepare the first

meal。 Ursula and Gudrun were slaving in the bedrooms; candles

were rushing about。 Then from the kitchen came the smell of ham

and eggs and coffee; and in the gaslight; the scrambled meal

began。 The family seemed to huddle together like a little camp

in a strange place。 Ursula felt a load of responsibility upon

her; caring for the half…little ones。 The smallest kept near the


It was dark; and the children went sleepy but excited to bed。

It was a long time before the sound of voices died out。 There

was a tremendous sense of adventure。

In the morning everybody was awake soon after dawn; the

children crying:

〃When I wakened up I didn't know where I was。〃

There were the strange sounds of the town; and the repeated

chiming of the big church bells; so much harsher and more

insistent than the little bells of Cossethay。 They looked

through the windows past the other new red houses to the wooded

hill across the valley。 They had all a delightful sense of space

and liberation; space and light and air。

But gradually all set to work。 They were a careless; untidy

family。 Yet when once they set about to get the house in order;

the thing went with felicity and quickness。 By evening the place

was roughly established。

They would not have a servant to live in the house; only a

woman who could go home at night。 And they would not even have









