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f life; and life alone〃
The conversation had ended on a note of uncertainty;
indefinite; wistful。 But the purpose; what was the purpose?
Electricity had no soul; light and heat had no soul。 Was she
herself an impersonal force; or conjunction of forces; like one
of these? She looked still at the unicellular shadow that lay
within the field of light; under her microscope。 It was alive。
She saw it move……she saw the bright mist of its ciliary
activity; she saw the gleam of its nucleus; as it slid across
the plane of light。 What then was its will? If it was a
conjunction of forces; physical and chemical; what held these
forces unified; and for what purpose were they unified?
For what purpose were the incalculable physical and chemical
activities nodalized in this shadowy; moving speck under her
microscope? What was the will which nodalized them and created
the one thing she saw? What was its intention? To be itself? Was
its purpose just mechanical and limited to itself?
It intended to be itself。 But what self? Suddenly in her mind
the world gleamed strangely; with an intense light; like the
nucleus of the creature under the microscope。 Suddenly she had
passed away into an intensely…gleaming light of knowledge。 She
could not understand what it all was。 She only knew that it was
not limited mechanical energy; nor mere purpose of
self…preservation and self…assertion。 It was a consummation; a
being infinite。 Self was a oneness with the infinite。 To be
oneself was a supreme; gleaming triumph of infinity。
Ursula sat abstracted over her microscope; in suspense。 Her
soul was busy; infinitely busy;