

2。 A search of sedimentary deposits from the Cretaceous to the Tertiary periods reveals that there is a dramatic increase in the abundance of iridium briefly and precisely at this boundary。 一項對從白堊紀到第三紀時期的沉澱物的研究顯示,銥元素的含量恰好在這個臨界點上出現了短暫的激增。

pare[k?m'per]v。 比較,相比,對比 n。 比較

搭配 pare with 與…比較,對照;pare to 比喻為,把…比作;without pare 無與倫比

例句 1。 pared with urban areas; the population and size of villages were relatively small。 與城市相比,鄉村的人口數量和規模都較小。

2。 Deserts have large amounts of groundwater when pared to the amounts that lakes and rivers hold in surface stores。 與湖泊和河流的表層儲水相比,沙漠包含大量的地下水。

3。 pared with the lunar space suits; Martian space suits just need smaller air tanks; and the elbow and knee areas will also be altered to allow freer movements。 與登月的太空服相比,火星的太空服需要更小的氣罐,而且為了使穿著時活動更加自如,其肘部和膝部的設計也要有所修改。

派生 parable(a。 可比較的)

continuous[k?n'tinju?s]a。 繼續不斷的;不斷延伸的

例句 1。 The probability that we will develop primary group bonds increases if we have frequent and continuous contact。 如果我們頻繁而連續地接觸,我們建立初級群體聯絡的可能性就會增大。

2。 These conditions are often found on the ocean floors where the amount of shelled invertebrates is abundant and are covered by the continuous rain of sedimentary particles。 這樣的條件在洋底十分常見,那裡有殼的無脊椎動物的數量很多,而且被不斷落下的沉積顆粒所覆蓋。

3。 In spite of the invasions and occasional foreign rule; China has one of the world's oldest continuous civilizations。 儘管有被入侵和偶爾被外國統治的經歷,中國仍擁有世界上最為源遠流長的文化。

conversely['kɑ:nv?:rsli]ad。 相反地;顛倒地

例句 Hearing the stories may lead preschoolers to encode aspects of events that allow them to form memories they can access when they grow up; conversely; improved encoding of what they hear may help them remember the stories and therefore make the stories more useful for remembering future even







