herbicide['?:rbisaid]n。 除草劑
例句 To control the development of the Spartina; there are various methods; such as burning; flooding; shading plants with black canvas or plastic; smothering the plants with dredged materials or clay; applying herbicide; and mowing repeatedly。 有許多種方法可以控制米草屬植物的生長,比如焚燒、水淹、用黑色帆布或塑膠布遮擋、用疏浚材料或黏土使其窒息、噴灑除草劑,以及反覆修剪等。
例句 Because of the natural weapons like horns; hunters avoided deer and reindeer。 因為鹿和馴鹿擁有犄角這一天然武器,因此捕獵者會躲避它們。
同義 trumpet(n。 號角;喇叭)
horticulture['h?:rtik?l??r]n。 園藝,園藝學
例句 Because the Dutch specialized in dairy farming; industrial crops; and horticulture; the country was more productive than some other regions in Europe。 由於荷蘭人專注於乳品業、經濟作物種植和園藝,所以這個國家比歐洲其他地區更多產。
household['haushould]n。 家庭,全家人 a。 家庭的;家喻戶曉的
搭配 household appliances 家用電器;household word 家喻戶曉的詞語
例句 1。 In the thirteenth century; people in this area went from living in scattered independent households to living in large towns。 在13世紀,這一地區的人們開始從分散的獨立家庭轉變為到更大的鎮子上居住。
2。 If you are constantly on the move; you cannot afford to accumulate large material surpluses — this rule limits the variations in accumulated material goods between pastoralist households。 如果你一直在遷移,就無法積累大量的剩餘材料——這個規則限制了田園家庭間的物質累積。
humidity[hju:'mid?ti]n。 溼度;潮溼
搭配 relative humidity 相對溼度
例句 1。 pared to the normal growing season; high temperatures; low humidity; and different day lengths of the dry season may bring difficulties to some crops。 與正常的生長期相比,乾旱期的高溫、低溼度、不同長度的白晝會給莊稼生長帶來困難。
2。 The landscape of the city bees a heat island readily because of greater water runoff and special climatic conditions such as low relative humidity and increased air turbulence。 由於這個城市較大的徑流量和特殊的氣候條件,例如較低的相對溼