eir activities。 即使沒有來自環境的訊號,動物自身的生物鐘仍可以影響它們的活動。
3。 There is an automatic and adaptive increase in breathing effort when we feel difficulty in breathing but this reflexive adjustment is totally absent during NREM sleep。 當我們感到呼吸困難時,呼吸作用就會自動地相應增強,而在非快速眼動睡眠期間,這種反應調整是完全不存在的。
absorb[?b'z?:rb]v。 吸收;吸引…的注意;把…併入
搭配 be absorbed in 全神貫注於
例句 1。 For normal growth and development; plants need to absorb certain minerals from the soil in adequate quantities。 植物為了正常的生長,需要從土壤中吸收充分的礦物養分。
2。 These minerals are mainly from the soil which are absorbed by the plant with the water。 這些礦物質主要來源於土壤,它們連同水分一起被植物吸收。
3。 Even in some areas that retain a soil cover; the reduction of vegetation results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water。 在一些地區,即使土地表層仍有土壤覆蓋,植被的減少也會導致土壤喪失吸收大量水分的能力。
同義 engage(v。 吸引)
要點 短語take in與absorb具有相同的含義,在文章中可能會被用於替換表達。
acceptable[?k'sept?bl]a。 可接受的
例句 A social group would use the way of shunning to enforce practice of the kinds of behavior which is acceptable to the group。 一個社會團體會用迴避的方式來將這種被團體接受的行為付諸實踐。
aggregate['?grig?t]n。 總計;聚集體['?grigeit]v。 聚集;總計
例句 1。 Given all the disadvantages of living in aggregated towns; we can know why people move into other places。 瞭解到生活在聚集的城鎮中的所有弊端,我們就能知道人們為何要移居別處了。
2。 Marine mammals have the misfortune to be the aggregates of modities that humans want for their fur; oil; and meat。 由於它們的皮毛、油脂和肉,海洋哺乳動物不幸成為人類所需的商品集合體。
argument['ɑ:rgjum?nt]n。 爭論;論據,論證
例句 1。 Some scholars claim that the intensification of farmers' arduous efforts led to further population groore arable land; but evidence of the development of agriculture indicates a need to feed a larger population and so the argument that a growing population was t