generic[??'nerik]a。 種類的,類屬的;一般的
例句 Even though the appearances of formal and generic statues are different; they share the same function。 儘管正式的雕像和一般雕像的外表不一樣,但它們擁有同樣的功能。
同義 mon(a。 一般的)
grandiose['gr?ndious]a。 宏偉的;誇大的
例句 1。 Faced with uping water supply crisis; a number of grandiose schemes have been developed to transport vast quantities of water by canal or pipeline from other rivers。 面臨即將來臨的水源危機,已經有一系列透過運河或管道呼叫其他地區的大量水源的宏偉計劃。
2。 They were reasonably well governed; without notable corruption or grandiose state projects; such as the government gave some aid to railways; and in Sweden the state built the main lines。 他們實施合理的管理,沒有明顯的腐敗情況或是宏偉的政府專案,比如政府援助鐵路的建設,以及瑞典政府打造主幹線等。
要點 grandiose常用來形容計劃工程的宏偉壯觀,例如:grandiose state projects“宏大的政府工程專案”,也可用massive; majestic等詞來表達相同的意思。
guarantee[?g?r?n'ti:]v。 保證;擔保 n。 保證書
例句 Mathematical models of ecosystems suggest that diversity does not guarantee ecosystem stability; but in fact it shows just the opposite。 生態系統的數學模型暗示了多樣性不能保證生態的穩定性,但事實正好相反。
同義 pledge(v。 保證);assure(v。 擔保)
要點 作者通常用guarantee這個詞來表示某種確定的事物。比如:Absolutely guarantee it。“完全保證這一點。”
guild[gild]n。 行會,協會
例句 1。 The further growth of independent guilds shows the fact that surplus was not a result of domestic craft production but resulted primarily from international trade。 獨立協會的發展表明順差並非是國內手工藝產品引起的,而主要是源於國際貿易。
2。 In these shops; different ranks of artisans and masters were blurred and they worked together in the same establishment; were usually members of the same guild and religious sect; lived in the same neighborhoods; and often had family relationships。 在這些店鋪中,工匠和監工之間的等級十分模糊,他們在同一機構中一起工作,通常是同一個協會以及教派的成員,住在同一個社群,而且他們之間通常還存在親戚關係。
handle['h?ndl]v。 處理;對待;操縱
例句 1。 Derricks were buil