1。 Ecologists have found ecological problems involving behavior and life…history adaptations more attractive than measuring physical constants。 生態學家發現,關於行為和生存歷史適應性的生態問題比測量物理常量更有吸引力。
2。 Spartina has physiological adaptations that allow it to grow in the environment where other plants cannot。 大米草屬植物有很強的生理適應能力,這使它可以生活在其他生物無法生存的環境裡。
adequate['?dikw?t]a。 適當的;充足的;勝任的
例句 1。 The hardship of finding adequate sources of oil on land has resulted in a greater number of offshore drilling sites。 在陸地上很難找到充足的石油資源,這導致很多近海鑽井平臺的出現。
2。 There is little evidence that people lacked adequate wild food resources。 幾乎沒有證據能夠表明人們缺少足夠的野生食物來源。
同義 proper(a。 適當的)
要點 adequate在託福閱讀中用到了詞義“充足的”,與sufficient意思相近;並且出現了它的派生詞inadequate,意為“不充分的;不適當的”。
adjacent[?'?eisnt]a。 鄰近的,毗連的
搭配 adjacent to 鄰近的
例句 1。 A local animal that goes extinct is quickly replaced by other species from an adjacent region。 當地的一種動物走向滅絕之後,很快就會被來自鄰近地區的其他物種代替。
2。 The most striking characteristic of the plants of the alpine zone is their low growth form that makes it possible for them to make use of the higher temperatures adjacent to the ground surface immediately。 高山植物最顯著的特點是它們以低矮的形態生長,這讓這些植物可以及時吸收鄰近地面的高溫。
同義 nearby; adjoining; bordering(a。 鄰近的)
afield[?'fi:ld]ad。 在野外;在戰場上;在(到)遠方
例句 1。 Some of the demand for the services and goods was no doubt fulfilled by people drawn from far afield。 這些來自遠方的人無疑滿足了當地人對服務和商品的一些需求。
2。 Vast numbers of seeds fall on the ground beneath the mother plants; and sometimes they are carried farther afield by water or by wind。 很多種子會掉落在母體植物下方的土地上,有時它們會被水或風帶到很遠的地方。
alter['?:lt?r]v。 改變
例句 1。 No matter how the surroundings around the birds were altered; they went directly to the correct food box。 無論鳥兒周圍的環境如何變化,它