派生 isolation(n。 隔離;孤立)
kneel[ni:l]v。 跪,下跪
例句 Statues of the elite are shown standing; while statues of the nonelite are shown sitting or kneeling。 社會名流的雕像是以站著的姿態表現出來的,而非精英就以坐著或者跪著的姿態表現出來。
legitimately[li'?itim?tli]ad。 合理地;正當地
例句 An ant colony may be legitimately called a superorganism for its munication system is so highly organized that the colony always works as a whole。 一個螞蟻群落被稱為超個體是合理的,因為它們的交流系統有高度的組織性,群落總是一起工作。
同義 reasonably(ad。 合理地)
liberal['lib?r?l]a。 自由的;思想開明的;慷慨的
例句 1。 The governments were relatively stable and honest as well as generally supported liberal trade policies。 這些政府相對穩定和誠實,同時也大力支援自由貿易政策。
2。 Much of Tom's inspiration is brought by his liberal thoughts。 湯姆的許多靈感都來源於他自由的思維。
派生 liberalist(n。 自由主義者)
livestock['laivstɑ:k]n。 家畜,牲畜
例句 1。 The raising of livestock is a major economic activity in semiarid lands; for grasses are generally the dominant type of natural vegetation over there。 飼養家禽是半乾旱地區的主要經濟活動,因為草是那裡主要的自然植被。
2。 At that time Quebec was a major market for livestock; crops and fish。 當時魁北克是牲畜、穀物和魚類的主要市場。
loan[loun]n。 貸款;借款 v。 借出,貸給
搭配 student loan 學生貸款;loan application 貸款申請
例句 1。 Bills of exchange contributed to the development of banks; as exchangers began to provide loans。 如同交易所開始提供貸款一樣,匯票有助於銀行的發展。
2。 Martin is busy looking into the possibility of getting a loan。 馬丁正忙於調查獲得貸款的可能性。
同義 debt(n。 借款)
margin['mɑ:r??n]n。 邊緣;頁邊空白;利潤;餘地
例句 1。 The early industrialization controlled most of the international economy; letting these countries to stake out new areas of specialization along the margins。 早期的工業化控制了大部分的國際經濟,讓這些國家利用利潤開發出新的專業領域。
2。 Predators find it easier to catch small birds when they are perc