extraction[ik'str?k?n]n。 取出;抽出;拔出
搭配 information extraction 資訊抽取
例句 Present methods of petroleum extraction enable oil producers to recover about half of the world's petroleum reserves。 當今的石油開採方式使石油生產商能恢復大約一半的世界石油儲量。
facilitate[f?'siliteit]v。 推動,促進;使…變得容易
例句 1。 Hydroponics has applications beyond basic research; as it facilitates the growing of greenhouse vegetables during winter。 水培法的應用不僅限於基礎研究,因為它對冬季大棚蔬菜的生長有幫助。
2。 Development in banking and financial services facilitated the expansion of trade and was benefited from the huge influx of capital in the form of gold and silver from the Americas。 銀行和財政服務的發展推動了貿易的拓展,也受益於美國以金銀形式注入的巨大資本。
3。 Government's policies on trade facilitated the exporting of agricultural products。 政府的貿易政策促進了農產品的出口。
同義 impulse(v。 推動)
fertile['f?:rtl]a。 肥沃的,富饒的;能繁殖的
例句 In all probability; it was the fertile plain of Latium; where the Latins who founded Rome originated。 很有可能,建立羅馬的拉丁人最初就是起源於富饒的拉丁姆平原。
同義 productive(a。 能繁殖的)
format['f?:rm?t]v。 使格式化 n。 設計;安排;格式,樣式
搭配 the format of a program 節目的編排;file format 檔案格式
例句 1。 Advertisements might be misleading to children when they use audio and visual formats which are especially appealing to children。 當廣告使用了特別能吸引孩子的聲音和視覺形式的時候,廣告也許會誤導孩子。
2。 The new candid photography unposed pictures that were made when the subjects were unaware that their pictures were being taken confirmed these scientific results; and at the meantime suggested new positional formats。 新搶拍的照片很自然,這是在拍攝目標沒有意識到的情況下拍攝的,這在證實了這些科學結果的同時也暗示了一種新的創作形式。
friction['frik?n]n。 摩擦;摩擦力;矛盾,衝突
例句 1。 This friction tends to slow the speed of winds; making them far less efficient at dispersing on airflow; and rainfall is also increas