asing levels of ultraviolet light with elevation may play a role; while browsing and grazing animals like the ibex may be another contributing factor。 一些科學家提出,隨著海拔增高而不斷增強的紫外線起到了一定作用,同時,放牧北山羊這樣的動物也許是另一個起作用的因素。
2。 Lichens are little influenced by the strong ultraviolet rays in the mountains。 苔蘚幾乎不受山區強烈紫外線的影響。
velocity[v?'lɑ:s?ti]n。 速度,速率;迅速
例句 The velocity of a river is determined by the slope; the depth; and the roughness of the riverbed。 河流的速度是由河床的坡度、深度和粗糙程度決定的。
同義 speed; rate(n。 速度,速率)
verify['verifai]v。 檢驗;核實
例句 1。 They represent the advertiser's opinions about the qualities of products or brand and it is difficult to verify them as a consequence。 他們代表廣告客戶發表關於產品質量或是品牌的意見,因此很難查證。
2。 While a person could express his thoughts; but no one else can verify the accuracy of his report。 一個人可以表達他的想法,但是卻沒有人能核實其報告的準確性。
同義 check(v。 核實,核查)
wavelength['weivle?θ]n。 波長
搭配 wavelength range 波長範圍
例句 1。 Very little light filters through the canopy of leaves and branches in a rain forest to reach ground level — or close to the ground — and at those levels the yellow…to…green wavelengths predominate。 在熱帶雨林裡,幾乎沒有光能透過葉子和枝幹形成的厚厚的遮蔽層而到達地面——或者說接近地面——而在這些遮蔽層,黃色到綠色光的波長佔據主導地位。
wheel[wi:l]n。 輪,車輪 v。 轉動
搭配 steering wheel 方向盤
例句 Another generation passed before inventors succeeded in bining these ingredients by putting the engine on wheels and the wheels on the rails; so as to provide a machine to take the place of the horse。 在發明家們成功地將蒸汽機安裝在車輪上、把車子安置在軌道上,把這些組成部分結合在一起製造出替代馬匹的機器之前,又經歷了一代人的時間。
aesthetic[es'θetik]a。 美學的;審美的;悅目的
例句 1。 The emergence of the aesthetic sense is another condition that contributes to the development of drama。 審美感覺的出現是促進戲劇發展的另一條件。
2。 Formalism is one