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g; as if to pose himself。

Even though it was what she wanted to hear; tears sprang to her eyes。 Chuck knew that she liked dirty martinis with extra olive juice at the Campbell Apartment bar in Grand Central; surprised her with lilacs on the days she had exams; and had redecorated his apartment in her favorite colors。 Maybe they could be together at some point in the future。 But not right now。

“Thank you;” she whispered。 It was funny。 For once in her life; the movie in her mind wasn’t playing。 She had no idea what her next line was or how she should exit。 She had no idea if any man was waiting in the wings。

Blair scraped her chair back and stood up。 She didn’t want to make a scene; but she was worried if she didn’t stand up and get out; she never would。 The last thing she wanted was to find herself in ten years having the same conversation about Hamptons homes with Chuck。

She felt tears beginning to well in her eyes。 “’Bye;” she said finally; running out before the deluge。

notes from around the world

Serena sat on the center of her bed in her childhood bedroom; hugging her knees to her chest。 She hadn’t moved since ing home from her coffee date turned breakup with Dan。 It was too exhausting to figure out what to do with herself。 She wanted to cry; to release all the confused feelings inside her; but she couldn’t。

She glanced from the white molding on the ceiling to the framed Breakfast at Fred’s poster over her antique bureau to the tiny silver Tiffany box on her night table。 The box housed all her baby teeth。 In high school; Nate loved shaking them out onto her white eyelet pillowcase; counting the teeth; and marveling at how tiny they were。

Serena sighed。 Dan had noticed the tiny box; but only to note that it was 









