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nodded appreciatively at her。 Vanessa smiled。 She knew she looked good。 She didn’t have to prove to the world she was an artsy independent filmmaker by wearing all black and a surly expression。 Maybe it was because she’d been single for a year and had finally really gotten to know herself。 Maybe it was because she finally realized how much people liked her for her。

And maybe it was because she sort of wanted to impress a certain boy?

Vanessa rode the elevator upstairs。 She’d never been to one of Chuck’s parties before; but now that she knew she was leaving New York; there seemed no reason to avoid it。 Besides; she needed to talk to Dan; and she had a feeling he’d be here with Serena。 After spending the night together; Vanessa had felt horribly guilty。 She’d been camped out at Ruby and Piotr’s since; but she couldn’t stay there forever。 She wanted to apologize for what had happened and tell Dan that while she’d always love him; it was for the best that he and Serena were together。 She hadn’t meant to e between them。

The elevator doors slid open; and several teenage girls tumbled out a door down the hall。

“Let’s find boys to make out with!” one of them squealed; racing to the elevator。 Vanessa walked through the open door; shaking her head with bemusement。 There was so much material in the world; so much fodder for film。

Especially when it es to subjects wearing far too little material…

The suite was crowded; and Vanessa elbowed her way through packs of people toward the open terrace; where a lone figure was facing uptown toward the Empire State Building; smoking a cigarette。 Dan。 Without Serena。 Vanessa shivered in the night air and pulled her leather bomber jacket closer around her body。

She tapped him on the shoulder。 “D











