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ature class; she’d take the train into the city and she and Dan would stay holed up in his tiny bedroom until Sunday evening; venturing out only to Lincoln Plaza to see a movie or to the diner on the corner for breakfast。 She loved Dan and loved spending time with him; but she sometimes felt they were missing out on something。

Um; like; life?

“Actually; it is kind of weird;” Serena decided; watching the way Jenny was gazing adoringly up at Nate。 She wasn’t annoyed to see Nate with Jenny—in a weird way; it made sense。 But she did care that Jenny was getting so caught up with playing house when she still had all of college in front of her; and that Nate didn’t seem interested in anything besides taking care of Jenny。

Blair gazed at her little brother; Tyler; across the room。 He was sixteen; and had grown up from being a weirdo little Cameron Crowe–obsessed kid to kind of a cool guy。 A smile played on her lips。

“What are you thinking?” Serena nervously chewed her bottom lip。 With Blair; you never knew。

Behind them; the servers cleared their plates away; making room for the dessert course。 “Tyler doesn’t have a girlfriend;” Blair began。

Tyler was cute。 He was skinny; with shaggy hair; and looked like the downtown DJ he was; Serena thought。 And he was a really good kid。

“I’ll have Tyler e…mail her and invite her to one of his events;” Blair announced。 “He needs a girlfriend。 He sometimes turns his dirty socks inside out and then wears them; because he thinks that means they’re clean。”

Serena burst into laughter。 “Dan used to do that; too!” she squealed。

Dick Cashman peered over at the two girls。 “Can you little ladies let me in on the joke? Sounds like a good one!”

“Meow meow;” Blair responded; choking on 











