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yfriend because all he wanted was Serena。
Serena breathed in and out slowly; trying to even out her breath so each inhale and exhale lasted exactly three seconds。 It was a trick she’d learned from one of her acting teachers; a way to remain in control if you felt like your emotions might overtake you in a scene。
Too late。
Angry tears pricked her navy blue eyes。 Was he still in love with Blair? Would she always be his backup?
“Serena?” Nate tentatively touched her shoulder; as if she were a stranger。
“You know; I have a lot of stuff to do today;” she announced; swinging her feet onto the hardwood floor。 She yanked a rose…colored sheet off the bed and primly wrapped it around her body like a bathrobe。 No way was Nate allowed to see her naked now。
“Serena; wait;” Nate said helplessly。 He wanted to hold her and kiss her and make it better。 After all; he loved her; too。
Serena whirled around。 “What?”
“I just…” Nate’s glittering green eyes clouded and he looked at his hands。
“Happy New Year; Nate;” she said; and closed the bathroom door behind her; not wanting to let him see her cry。
(Happy) New Year; indeed。
d earns his poetic license
From: colmdoyle@columbia。edu
To: dhumphrey3@columbia。edu
Subject: Re: poetry submission
Danny Boy!
I thought you were going to submit shite; but this is the real thing; boyo。 Sent it to Jaymi Matteo at The New Yorker。 She wants it。 They’re going to crash it into their next issue; printing tonight! What’s it called?
From: dhumphrey3@columbia。edu
To: colmdoyle@columbia。edu
Subject: Re: re: poetry submission
Dear Professor Doyle;
Thank you; sir。 I’m honored。 You can call the poem Serena。