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bout Nate’s house was the fact that the third floor was entirely his。 When they were younger; they used to pretend his bedroom; den; and bathroom were their own private apartment。

Some people still like playing house。

“Hello?” Serena called again; hearing her voice bounce off the dark oak ceiling。

Nate walked out of the bathroom; wearing a wrinkled green T…shirt and green plaid boxers。 Serena looked gorgeous and healthy and happy; all in one spectacular package。 He was suddenly very aware of the fact that Blair was still showering。 “What are you doing here?” Nate asked。 Blair had said Serena was at rehearsal all day。

“I was just in the neighborhood!” Serena wandered over to his dresser and picked up a model sailboat。 She passed it gently from hand to hand as if playing a game of catch with herself。 “So; what have you been up to today? It’s freezing。”

“Not much;” Nate mumbled。 How long had Blair been in the shower? Ten minutes; fifteen minutes? She usually took forever; but he wasn’t sure how much time he had。

To do what; exactly?

Nate felt confused。 Just as he’d always felt whenever he was with Serena and Blair at the same time。 Why did they have to be so confusing? He loved Blair。 He was following Blair to school; for God’s sake。 So then why did Serena; with her deep blue eyes that reminded him of the Pacific Ocean and her long limbs; tight and taut like the strings of a tennis racket; make him feel… well; make him feel the way he felt right now。

Serena put down the tiny sailboat model and picked up another; larger ship with three tiny canvas sails。 Ever since she could remember; Nate had been obsessed with sailboats。 She knew she was avoiding what she really wanted to say; but now that she was here; there were so









