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have been some of the best of my life… but I’m getting old。 It’s Palm Beach season for me。 A man needs more than the sea and the sky to survive。” He tied the rope into a perfect knot; as if to punctuate his speech。 “But for you… you can’t spend the rest of your life sailing away from everything difficult。 It’s for your own good。”
Nate grimaced。 Even though Chips was a philosophical; scotch…drinking old geezer; he always seemed to be able to read Nate’s thoughts。 And right now; Nate was thinking about the choice that had faced him for too many years。
“You’re worried about those two girls of yours; I know it。 The ones who keep falling at your feet despite your boneheaded moves? The ones you can’t decide between; as if you’re facing some life…or…death choice?”
Nate nodded miserably。 In two sentences; Chips had pretty much summarized the crisis he’d been struggling with since he was fifteen。
“Well; I’ll tell you this。 You’ll know when you know。 And you’ve got to figure it out on your own。 I’m not babysitting your balls anymore。” Chips nodded definitively upward at the sails; pleased with his handiwork。 “Now; if you’ll excuse me; I’m going to have my morning tea。 You’ve got a day to figure it all out。” He gave Nate a parting wink; and disappeared down to the galley; leaving him with just the sky and the endless sea for pany。
“Thanks;” Nate muttered。 He gripped the bow of the ancient but sturdy ship; feeling the salty wind on his face。 Maybe Chips was right。 He’d had some time away。 Some time to think and be on his own; to see the world and bee a man。 He couldn’t just sail forever。
It was time to go back and decide what to really do with his life。 And when he saw Blair and Serena; he’d be ready to choose。 Maybe it was best not to over