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kitchen; Googling Hollis。 She’d found out he ran track in high school; that his mom was a sociology and gender studies professor at UCLA; his dad was a pioneer in philanthropic microlending to developing countries; and that he’d won several film contests as an undergrad。 He’d also showed up in a couple Tribeca Film Festival party photos; above the caption “The Sexy Side of Celluloid。”
She couldn’t stop thinking about him。 She wondered what his bedroom looked like and if he had a girlfriend and what he was doing now。 And; of course; what he thought of the kiss。
The kiss。
It shouldn’t have happened。 Vanessa knew that。 She’d immediately broken it off and run all the way down the four flights of stairs and hailed a cab。 It wasn’t until she was halfway home that she’d realized she’d left her video camera at his apartment。 She’d sent him a quick e…mail asking him to drop it off at the Cantor Film Center; where she’d pick it up next semester; but hadn’t heard anything back。 Which was a good thing。 Maybe Hollis regretted the kiss just as much as she did。 After all; Dan would be back in a few days—back for good。 They were about to start a new life together。 Entertaining a crush on her former TA was not a promising start。
The loud screech of the buzzer yanked Vanessa out of her reverie。 She slid off the steel stool and ran over to the ancient inter system。
“Hello?” she asked curiously。 Maybe it was one of Rufus’s Beat poet friends。 They sometimes stopped by without warning。
“Vanessa?” a gravelly voice asked。 Hollis。 Fuck。 Why had he e here? Was he stalking her?
Asks the girl who’s spent the entire afternoon on a Googlefest。
“Hey;” Vanessa said。 She tried to sound casual; but it came out more like a bark。
“I have y