冬戀提示您:看後求收藏(第6部分,哲學史-philosophy of history(英文版),冬戀,630看書),接著再看更方便。
— is to
be displayed as ing to a consciousness of itself (for it is in its very nature; self…consciousness)
and thereby realising its existence。 Itself is its own object of attainment; and the sole aim of Spirit。
This result it is; at which the process of the World's History has been continually aiming; and to
which the sacrifices that have ever and anon been laid on the vast altar of the earth; through the
long lapse of ages; have been offered。 This is the only aim that sees itself realised and fulfilled; the
only pole of repose amid the ceaseless change of events and conditions; and the sole efficient
principle that pervades them。 This final aim is God's purpose with the world; but God is the
absolutely perfect Being; and can; therefore; will nothing other than himself — his own Will。 The
Nature of His Will — that is; His Nature itself — is what we here call the Idea of Freedom;
translating the language of Religion into that of Thought。 The question; then; which we may next
put; is: What means does this principle of Freedom use for its realisation? This is the second point
we have to consider。
(2) The Means Spirit Uses to Realise Its Idea
§ 24
The question of the means by which Freedom develops itself to a World; conducts us to the
phenomenon of History itself。 Although Freedom is; primarily; an undeveloped idea; the means it
uses are external and phenomenal; presenting themselves in History to our sensuous vision。 The
first glance at History convinces us that the actions of men proceed from their needs; their
passions; their characters and talents; and impresses us with the belief that such needs; passions
and interests are the s