

bout being elegant。 I just say things straight out。 So here it is; straight out: if you go back on your promise; we'll most likely take an ass…fucking。 But then we'll find you … if we have to go all the way to Russia; we'll find you … and we will fuck you; not just up the ass but in every hole you own。 We'll fuck you until you'll wish you were dead; and then we'll rub vinegar in the parts that are bleeding。 Do you understand me?〃

He nodded。 With Brutal's hand digging into the soft sides of his face the way it was; Percy looked eerily like Old Toot…Toot。

Brutal let go of him and stepped back。 I nodded to Harry; who went behind Percy and started unsnapping and unbuckling。

〃Keep it in mind; Percy;〃 Harry said。 〃Keep it in mind and let bygones be bygones。〃

All of it suitably scary; three bogeymen in bluesuits … but I felt a kind of knowing despair sweep through me; all the same。 He might keep quiet for a day or a week; continuing to calculate the odds on various actions; but in the end two things … his belief in his connections and his inability to walk away from a situation where he saw himself as the loser would bine。 When that happened; he would spill his guts。 We had perhaps helped to save Melly Moores's life by taking John to her; and I wouldn't have changed that (〃not for all the tea in China;〃 as we used to say back in those days); but in the end we were going to hit the canvas and the ref was going to count us out。 Short of murder; there was no way we could make Percy keep his end of the bargain; not once he was away from us and had started to get back what passed for his guts。

I took a little sidelong glance at Brutal and saw he knew this; too。 Which didn't surprise me。 There were no flies on Mrs。 Howell's boy Brutus; never had be





