

at happened afterward … the dawn meeting with Curtis Anderson; the inquest; the press…meeting Hal Moores set up for us (he was back by then; of course); and the eventual Board of Enquiry in the state capital … those things have blurred over the years like so much else in my memory。 But as to what actually happened next there on the Green Mile; yes; that I remember perfectly well。

Percy was walking up the right side of the Mile with his head lowered; and I'll say this much: no ordinary Prisoner could have reached him。 John Coffey wasn't an ordinary prisoner; though。 John Coffey was a giant; and he had a giant's reach。

I saw his long brown arms shoot out from between the bars and yelled; 〃Watchit; Percy; watch it!〃 Percy started to turn; his left hand dropping to the butt of his stick。 Then he was seized and yanked against the front of John Coffey's cell; the right side of his face smashing into the bars。

He grunted and turned toward Coffey; raising the hickory club。 John was certainly vulnerable to it; his own face was pressed so strenuously into the space between two of the center bars that he looked as if he was trying to squeeze his entire head through。 It would have been impossible; of course; but that was how it looked。 His right hand groped; found the nape of Percy's neck; curled around it; and yanked Percy's head forward。 Percy brought the club down between the bars and onto John 's temple。 Blood flowed; but John paid no attention。 His mouth pressed against Percy's mouth。 I heard a whispering rush … an exhalatory sound; as of long…held breath。 Percy jerked like a fish on a hook; trying to get away; but he never had a chance; John 's right hand was pressed to the back of his neck; holding him firm。 Their faces seemed to melt together; like the 











