

 saw not a speck … only rage。 〃And what you're going to do is get out of here before you go beyond the cockroach level of nuisance to that of slightly larger vermin … Rattus Americanus; let us say!〃

He took a step toward her; looking both unsure of himself and absolutely furious。 I thought it a dangerous bination; but Elaine didn't flinch as he approached。 〃I bet I know who set off that goddam smoke alarm;〃 Dolan said。 〃Might could have been a certain old bitch with claws for hands。 Now get out of here。 Me and Paulie haven't finished our little talk; yet!〃

〃His name is Mr。 Edgebe;〃 she said; 〃and if I ever hear you call him Paulie again; I think I can promise you that your days of employment here at Georgia Pines will end; Mr。 Dolan。〃

〃Just who do you think you are?〃 he asked her。 He was hulking over her; now; trying to laugh and not quite making it。

〃I think;〃 she said calmly; 〃that I am the grandmother of the man who is currently Speaker of the Georgia House of Representatives。 A man who loves his relatives; Mr。 Dolan。 Especially his older relatives。〃

The effortful smile dropped off his face the way that writing es off a blackboard swiped with a wet sponge。 I saw uncertainty; the possibility that he was being bluffed; the fear that he was not; and a certain dawning logical assumption: it would be easy enough to check; she must know that; ergo she was telling the truth。

Suddenly I began to laugh; and although the sound was rusty; it was right。 I was remembering how many times Percy Wetmore had threatened us with his connections; back in the bad old days。 Now; for the first time in my long; long life; such a threat was being made again 。。。 but this time it was being made on my behalf。

Brad Dolan looked at me; glaring; the











