

as poking in amongst the local skeletons。 Sheriff Catlett wanted to know what I thought I was doing。 I told him。 Catlett thought it over and then told me something interesting。 He said he'd deny he'd ever said a word if I spread it around; and it wasn't conclusive anyway; but it was something; all right。 It was sure something。 I thought about it all the way home; and that night there was a lot of thinking and precious little sleeping on my side of the bed。

The next day I got up while the sun was still just a rumor in the east and drove downstate to Trapingus County。 I skirted around Homer Cribus; that great bag of guts and waters; speaking to Deputy Sheriff Rob McGee instead。 McGee didn't want to hear what I was telling him。 Most vehemently didn't want to hear it。 At one point I was pretty sure he was going to punch me in the mouth so he could stop hearing it; but in the end he agreed to go out and ask Klaus Detterick a couple of questions。 Mostly; I think; so he could be sure I wouldn't。 〃He's only thirty…nine; but he looks like an old man these days;〃 McGee said; 〃and he don't need a smartass prison guard who thinks he's a detective to stir him up just when some of the sorrow has started to settle。 You stay right here in town。 I don't want you within hailing distance of the Detterick farm; but I want to be able to find you when I'm done talking to Klaus。 If you start feeling restless; have a piece of pie down there in the diner。 It'll weight you down。〃 I ended up having two pieces; and it was kind of heavy。

When McGee came into the diner and sat down at the counter next to me; I tried to read his face and failed。 〃Well?〃 I asked。

〃e on home with me; we'll talk there;〃 he said。 〃This place is a mite too public for my taste。〃

We had our confe











