

like that night for dinner; John ? We can rustle you up most anything。 Even bring you a beer; if you want。 just have to put her in a coffee cup; that's all。〃

〃Never got the taste〃; he said。

〃Something special to eat; then?〃

His brow creased below that expanse of clean brown skull。 Then the lines smoothed out and he smiled。 〃Meatloaf'd be good。〃

〃Meatloaf it is。 With gravy and mashed。〃 I felt a tingle like you get in your arm when you've slept on it; except this one was all over my body。 In my body。 〃What else to go with it?〃

〃Dunno; boss。 Whatever you got; I guess。 Okra; maybe; but I's not picky。〃

〃All right〃; I said; and thought he would also have Mrs。 Janice Edgebe's peach cobbler for dessert。 〃Now; what about a preacher? Someone you could say a little prayer with; night after next? It forts a man; so I've seen that many times。 I could get in touch with Reverend Schuster; he's the man who came when Del … 〃

〃Don't want no preacher〃; John said。 〃You been good to me; boss。 You can say a prayer; if you want。 That'd be all right。 I could get kneebound with you a bit; I guess。〃

〃Me! John ; I couldn't … 〃

He pressed down on my hands a little; and that feeling got stronger。 〃You could;〃 he said。 〃Couldn't you; boss?〃

〃I suppose so〃; I heard myself say。 My voice seemed to have developed an echo。 〃I suppose I could; if it came to that。〃

The feeling was strong inside me by then; and it was like before; when he'd cured my waterworks; but it was different; too。 And not just because there was nothing wrong with me this time。 It was different because this time he didn't know he was doing it。 Suddenly I was terrified; almost choked with a need to get out of there。 Lights were going on inside me where there h





