

ed around at me。 〃He's choking! Whatever he sucked out of her; he's choking on it!〃

I started forward。 Before I got two steps; John knee…walked away from me and into the corner of the room; still coughing harshly and dragging for each breath。 He laid his forehead against the wallpaper … wild red roses overspreading a garden wall … and made a gruesome deep hacking sound; as if he were trying to vomit up the lining of his own throat。 That'll bring the bugs if anything can; I remember thinking; but there was no sign of them。 All the same; his coughing fit seemed to ease a little。

〃I'm all right; boss;〃 he said; still leaning with his forehead against the wild roses。 His eyes remained closed。 I'm not sure how he knew I was there; but he clearly did。 〃Honest I am。 See to the lady。〃

I looked at him doubtfully; then turned to the bed。 Hal was stroking Melly's brow; and I saw an amazing thing above it: some of her hair … not very much; but some … had gone back to black。

〃What's happened?〃 she asked him。 As I watched; color began to blush into her cheeks。 It was as if she had stolen a couple of roses right out of the wallpaper。 〃How did I get here? We were going to the hospital up in Indianola; weren't we? A doctor was going to shoot X…rays into my head and take pictures of my brain。〃

〃Shhh;〃 Hal said。 〃Shhh; dearie; none of that matters now。〃

〃But I don't understand!〃 she nearly wailed; 〃We stopped at a roadside stand 。。。 you bought me a dime packet of posies 。。。 and then 。。。 I'm here。 It's dark! Have you had your supper; Hal? Why am I in the guest room? Did I have the X…ray?〃 Her eyes moved across Harry almost without seeing him … that was shock; I imagine … and fixed on me。 〃Paul? Did I have the X…ray?〃

〃Yes;〃 I said。 〃It was c











