

Let's worry about that later;〃 I said; because I didn't have the slightest idea how to answer him。 〃The question right now is what we do … or don't do … about Melly。 I'd say step back and take a few days to think it over; but I believe every day we wait raises the chances that he won't be able to help her。〃

〃Remember him holding his hands out for the mouse?〃 Brutal asked。 〃'Give im to me while there's still time;' he said。 While there's still time。〃

〃I remember。〃

Brutal considered; then nodded。 〃I'm in。 I feel bad about Del; too; but mostly I think I just want to see what happens when he touches her。 Probably nothing will; but maybe 。。。〃

〃I doubt like hell we even get the big dummy off the block;〃 Harry said; then sighed and nodded。 〃But who gives a shit? Count me in。〃

〃Me; too;〃 Dean said。 〃Who stays on the block; Paul? Do we draw straws for it?〃

〃No; sir;〃 I said。 〃No straws。 You stay。〃

〃Just like that? The hell you say!〃 Dean replied; hurt and angry。 He whipped off his spectacles and began to polish them furiously on his shirt。 〃What kind of a bum deal is that?〃

〃The kind you get if you're young enough to have kids still in school;〃 Brutal said。 〃Harry and me's bachelors。 Paul's married; but his kids are grown and off on their own; at least。 This is a mucho crazy stunt we're planning here; I think we're almost sure to get caught。〃 He gazed at me soberly。 〃One thing you didn't mention; Paul; is that if we do manage to get him out of the slam and then Coffey's healing fingers don't work; Hal Moores is apt to turn us in himself。〃 He gave me a chance to reply to this; maybe to rebut it; but I couldn't and so I kept my mouth shut。 Brutal turned back to Dean and went on。 〃Don't get me wrong; you're apt to lose your jo











