

d under the hollows of his eyes and the tip of his tongue lolling out。

〃Christ; how'd he get up with so much dope in him?〃 Dean whispered。

〃It doesn't matter; he's out now;〃 I said。 〃If he starts to e around; give him another pill dissolved in a glass of water。 No more than one; though。 We don't want to kill him。〃

〃Speak for yourself;〃 Brutal rumbled; and gave Wharton a contemptuous look。 〃You can't kill a monkey like him with dope; anyway。 They thrive on it。〃

〃He's a bad man;〃 Coffey said; but in a lower voice this time; as if he was not quite sure of what he was saying; or what it meant。

〃That's right;〃。 Brutal said。 〃Most wicked。 But that's not a problem now; because we ain't going to tango with him anymore。〃 We started walking again; the four of us surrounding Coffey like worshippers circling an idol that's e to some stumbling kind of half life。 〃Tell me something; John … do you know where we're taking you?〃

〃To help;〃 he said。 〃I think 。。。 to help 。。。 a lady?〃 He looked at Brutal with hopeful anxiety。

Brutal nodded。 〃That's right。 But how do you know that? How do you know?〃

John Coffey considered the question carefully; then shook his head。 〃I don't know;〃 he told Brutal。 〃To tell you the truth; boss; I don't know much of anything。 Never have。〃

And with that we had to be content。


I had known the little door between the office and the steps down to the storage room hadn't been built with the likes of Coffey in mind; but I hadn't realized how great the disparity was until he stood before it; looking at it thoughtfully。

Harry laughed; but John himself seemed to see no humor in the big man standing in front of the little door。 He wouldn't have; of course; even if he'd been quite 





