

s I'd seen of old castles; you know; in days of old when knights were bold and chivalry was in flower。 Only Cold Mountain was a long way from Camelot。 Beyond the gate; a flight of stairs led up to an unobtrusive bulkhead…style door with signs reading No TRESPASSING and STATE PROPERTY and ELECTRIFIED WIRE on the outside。

I opened the gate and Harry swung it back。 We went up; John Coffey once more in the lead; shoulders slumped and head bent。 At the top; Harry got around him (not without some difficulty; either; although he was the smallest of the three of us) and unlocked the bulkhead。 It was heavy。 He could move it; but wasn't able to flip it up。

〃Here; boss;〃 John said。 He pushed to the front again …bumping Harry into the wall with one hip as he did so … and raised the bulkhead with one hand。

You would have thought it was painted cardboard instead of sheet steel。

Cold night air; moving with the ridge…running wind we would now get most of the time until March or April; blew down into our faces。 A swirl of dead leaves came with it; and John Coffey caught one of them with his free hand。 I will never forget the way he looked at it; or how he crumpled it beneath his broad; handsome nose so it would release its smell。

〃e on;〃 Brutal said。 〃Let's go; forward harch。〃

We climbed out。 John lowered the bulkhead and Brutal locked it … no need for the Aladdin key on this door; but it was needed to unlock the gate in the pole…and…wire cage which surrounded the bulkhead。

〃Hands to your sides while you go through; big fella;〃 Harry murmured。 〃Don't touch the wire; if you don't want a nasty bum。〃

Then we were clear; standing on the shoulder of the road in a little cluster (three foothills around a mountain is what I imagine we loo











