

we need to chain you up; John?〃 I asked。

Coffey appeared to think about this。 〃Can if you want to;〃 he said at last。 〃Don't need to。〃

I nodded at Brutal; who opened the cell door; then turned to Harry; who was more or less pointing Percy's 。45 at Coffey as Coffey emerged from his cell。

〃Give those to Dean;〃 I said。

Harry blinked like someone awakening from a momentary doze; saw Percy's gun and stick still in his hands; and passed them over to Dean。 Coffey; meanle; hulked in the corridor with his bald skull almost brushing one of the caged overhead lights。

Standing there with his hands in front of him and his shoulders sloped forward to either side of his barrel chest; he made me think again; as I had the first time I saw him; of a huge captured bear。

〃Lock Percy's toys in the duty desk until we get back;〃 I said。

〃If we get back;〃 Harry added。

〃I will;〃 Dean said to me; taking no notice of Harry。

〃And if someone shows up … probably no one will; but if someone does … what do you say?〃

〃That Coffey got upset around midnight;〃 Dean said。 He looked as studious as a college student taking a big exam。 〃We had to give him the jacket and but him in the restraint room。 If there's noise; who ever hears it'll just think it's him。〃 He raised his chin to John Coffey。 〃And what about us?〃 Brutal asked。 〃Paul's over in Admin; pulling Del's file and going over the witnesses;〃 Dean said。 〃It's especially important this time; because the execution was such a balls…up。 He said he'd probably be there the rest of the shift。 You and Harry and Percy are over in the laundry; washing your clothes。〃

Well; that was what folks said; anyway。 There was a crap…game in the laundry supply room some nights; on others it was bla





