

 why we should have been brought to his house; but revenge seemed the most likely possibility。

Before he could shoot; Harry Terwilliger stepped up ahead of Coffey and then moved in front of him; shielding most of his body。 Coffey didn't make him do it; Harry did it on his own。

〃No; Warden Moores!〃 he said。 〃It's all right! No one's armed; no one's going to get hurt; we're here to help!〃

〃Help?〃 Moores's tangled; tufted eyebrows drew together。 His eyes blazed。 I couldn't take my eyes off the cocked hammer of the Buntline。 〃Help what? Help who?〃

As if in answer; the old woman's voice rose again; querulous and certain and utterly lost: 〃e in here and poke my mudhole; you son of a bitch! Bring your asshole friends; too! Let them all have a turn!〃

I looked at Brutal; shaken to my soul。 I'd understood that she swore … that the tumor was somehow making her swear … but this was more than swearing。 A lot more。

〃What are you doing here?〃 Moores asked us again。 A lot of the determination had gone out of his voice … his wife's wavering cries had done that。 〃I don't understand。 Is it a prison break; or。。。〃

John set Harry aside … just picked him up and moved him over … and then climbed to the stoop。 He stood between Brutal and me; so big he almost pushed us off either side and into Melly's holly bushes。 Moores's eyes turned up to follow him; the way a person's eyes do when he's trying to see the top of a tall tree。 And suddenly the world fell back into place for me。 That spirit of discord; which had jumbled my thoughts like powerful fingers sifting through sand or grains of rice; was gone。 I thought I also understood why Harry had been able to act when Brutal and I could only stand; hopeless and indecisive; in front of our boss。 Harry 





